Fleet Canuck Donations
We are asking for your help to “Get the Wings Back on our Fleet Canuck”!
Our recently acquired 1947 Fleet Canuck last flew in 2018, and was delivered to us complete, but disassembled. Although the aircraft is complete, there is quite a list things requiring attention and upgrades to complete, including the installation of radios.
The Canuck continues the heritage of an iconic Canadian company, who before and through the war years produced both our Fleet Finch and Fleet Cornell in their plant at Fort Erie, Ontario. The Canuck was designed and first flew prior to the end of the war, and was manufactured in the same plant in the immediate post war period. The Canuck was intended primarily for pilot training and as a personal aircraft.
We have several levels of sponsorship available. All sponsors will receive a special Fleet Canuck Restoration Team T-shirt. T-Shirts have been ordered, and we have purchased a few additional in Large and XL. Please indicate your desired shirt size in the note section of your order.
At the highest sponsorship level, we will have a flight reserved for you in the Canuck once the project is completed, and a commemorative hat recognizing the completion of the restoration.
Level A - $75.00
$50.00 tax receipt
Level B - $150.00
Commemorative Completion Hat
$100 tax receipt
Level C - $500.00
Commemorative Completion Hat
Flight in the Canuck
$330.00 tax receipt
Any donations to the project, beyond the specific sponsorship levels, will receive a tax receipt for the full amount of the donation. Please see our main online donation page.